Residential Painting Service in Portland


Final Touch Painting is Portland’s preferred residential painting contractor for a reason. Aside from our excellent customer service and top quality results, our professional painters actually enjoy their job of painting Portland homes. The unique design and character of these historic homes are challenging, yet very rewarding to complete, and it gives us great pride to restore homes in our local community.

If you own a home in Portland that was built before 1978, we strongly recommend having the interior or exterior surfaces tested for lead. Our painters are certified by EPA to work on homes built before 1978 in the Portland Metro area. Our Lead Renovators License number is LBPR197703.

If lead is found in the tests conducted, extra care will be required to paint your home. You need a Portland painting contractor that specializes in working on homes with lead. Our painters are trained and experienced to handle these types of projects.

We offer both exterior and interior residential painting services, and look forward to making your Portland home look like new again! Contact us now for a free residential painting estimate.


Commercial Painting Service in Portland


Final Touch Painting also provides commercial painting services, including multifamily apartment and building painting in Portland. Whether you need interior or exterior painting, dry rot repair, drywall installation, drywall repair, or texture application for your business in the Portland Metro area, Final Touch Painting has you covered. 

If you are looking for residential or commercial painting services for the interior or exterior of your home or business, trust the professional painters at Final Touch Painting to get the job done right and on-time, for an affordable price. Give us a call at 360-607-3434 for a free estimate today!